Moon Guard Wiki

Captain Orian Lorick
"The Scarlet Hammer"




Captain of the Kingdom Defenders


Scarletlordaeronicon Scarlet Crusade

Scarletchurchicon Army of the Truthful



Captain Orian Lorick was previously one of the first Captains within the the Kingdom Defenders and one of the officers leading Fort Akkil. He was slain when Fort Akkil was sacked by a combined force of Stormwind Commandos, Silver Hand Knights and several other orginizations.


Lorick served with the Scarlet Crusade for many years, having grown up within the Western Plaguelands in Lordaeron. The man was renowned within the Crusade for his brutal fighting style and strength, some claiming he was stronger then the at the time Grand Champion Herod.

After the Crusade's fall Lorick enlisted within the ranks of the Army of the Truthful, becoming one of it's infamous black armored Kingdom Defenders, swiftly rising through the ranks to Captain.

The elite Defender was assigned to the position of personal bodyguard of the High Cleric' cousin, Akkil Ostrick, and one of the high ranking officers of Fort Akkil in the Dragonblight.


Lorick (left) was never far from his charge, Akkil (center), as is seen here as they await the oncoming siege with Commander Hassler (right)

When the fort was besieged during the Dragonblight Offensive Captain Lorick took up a position guarding the Inquisitor's tower. There he held fast against multiple assailants along with his elite guard. Eventually the man was brought down, his head being severed and placed upon a pike in the burning fort while his signature hammers were taken as trophies.

Mental State[]

Orian Lorick was considered by many to be quite strange in the later half of his life, namely due to an injury inflicted upon him during his time in the Crusade. In a spar with Anders Raymore the young knight struck a blow to Orian's head, sending him into a coma for several weeks. Upon wakening the man took a very odd obsession to his hammer, never letting it leave his side. "Need more hammer!" became his favorite phrase. To this day no one is aware of what caused this odd addiction, nor the speech impediment that came with it.


"Need more hammer!"

"Not one, but two hammer!" -Upon being heavily injured during his final battle at Fort Akkil

"I needed...More...Hammer..." -The Captain's last words
