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A Naval Lord, also known as a Sea Lord or a Lord Commissioner of the Navy, is a high ranking post in the navies of most human kingdoms. Naval Lords typically serve in stead of, or in more recent years as advisers to, the heads of their kingdom's navies and typically as the highest ranking Admirals of their force.

Although similar in title, they should not be confused with Admirals who also hold a peerage.

Kingdom of Stormwind - Lords of the Sea[]


Like all other Kingdoms with Naval Lords, the Stormwindian Lords of the Sea form a council and are numbered, with the First Lord of the Seas heading the council. Unlike most other navies, however, the Lords of the Sea will typically lead one of the nation's many battle fleets or serve as said fleet's ceremonial commander. The Lords of the Sea number as follows:

  • First Lord of the Seas - Head of the Stormwind Navy and Chief of the Naval Board the First Lord of the Seas is also known by the archaic term of Lord High Admiral.
    • Currently held by Lauren Dystra-McClure
  • Second Lord of the Seas - Also known as the Admiral of the Blue, the Second Sea Lord is the Chief of Naval Personnel and normally the commander of the King's Royal Fleet.
  • Third Lord of the Seas - Also known as the Controller of the Navy or the Admiral of the White, the Third Lord of the Seas commonly leads the Auxiliary Expedition Fleet, which is tasked with the movement of naval supplies.
  • Fourth Lord of the Seas - Known as Admiral of the Green, the post of Fifth Lord is held by the Admiral in command of the Elwynn Fleet.
  • Fifth Lord of the Seas - Known as the Admiral of the Red, the post of Sixth Lord is held by the commander of the Redridge Fleet.
  • Sixth Lord of the Seas - Known as the Admiral of the Gold, the post of Seventh Lord of the Seas is held by the commander of the Westfall Fleet.
  • Seventh Lord of the Seas - Known as the Sky Admiral, the Eight Lord of the Seas is the leader of Stormwind's elements of the Fleet Air Arm.
    • Currently held by Catherine Rogers
    • Notably, the position of Eighth Lord has also been used for alternate roles at least twice in the Navy's history:
      • In the years before the First War, the Eighth Lord served as the Chief of Naval Stores. This post was merged with that of the Third Lord following the reestablishment of the Kingdom of Stormwind following the Second War.
      • During the Ten Years Strife, the position of Eighth Lord was held by Admiral Kathyra Greytyde, who also served as the High Lady Admiral of the Principality of Rostkamm, as part of the Treaty of Greyhallow. This position, known as the Admiral of the Grey, was later dissolved after Rostkamm switched sides during the war and was not revived under the new leadership.
  • Eighth Lord of the Seas - Known as the Commandant of Marines, the Ninth Sea Lord serves as the commander of the Stormwind Marine Corps.
  • Ninth Lord of the Seas - Head of the Fleet Medical Corps and also known as the Surgeon General, the Tenth Lord commands the Surgeons, Corpsmen and other medical practitioners of the Navy. They typically work closely with the Third Lord, due to them both having purview over certain tasks such as the shipping of medical supplies, aid missions and hospital ships, and the Twelfth Lord, as many medical practitioners use Light-based healing arts.
  • Tenth Lord of the Seas - Known as the Hydromancer-General, the Eleventh Sea Lord serves as the leader of the Stormwind Hydromancy Corps.
  • Eleventh Lord of the Seas - Leader of the Stormwind Chaplain Corps and likewise known as the Chaplain General, the Twelfth Lord is in charge of the spiritual needs of the Navy and also has some medical duties.
  • Twelfth Lord of the Seas - In charge of the Ordnance Board , the Thirteenth Lord or Cannonmaster General is in charge of the upkeep and supply of cannons and firearms to the Navy. They work closely with the Third Lord.

Kingdom of Kul Tiras - Lords of the Admiralty[]


The original kingdom to use a council of Naval Lords, the first Tirasian Lords of the Admiral were created following the accession of the 5 year old Placeholder to the position of Lord Admiral in Placeholder L.A.C. As the child-monarch was unable to effectively command the Tirasian Navy, a council of experienced admirals was set up to effectively act as "Regents" of the navy until the Lord Admiral came of age. This council was later expanded to include the Lords Naval of the Tirasian peerage, with the current posts as follows:

  • Lord Admiral - The head of both the Tirasian Navy and Kingdom, the Lord Admiral heads the council and has the final say on naval activities, unlike in most nations where the council will collectively decide. In times when the reigning Lord Admiral is unfit for command, the council will be headed by the Lord Regent Admiral.
  • Lord Vice Admiral - The Chief of Naval Personnel and Vice Chief of the Naval Council, the Lord Vice Admiral is effectively the Lord Admiral's right hand and is in many cases a close relative.
  • Lord Rear Admiral - The Chief of Naval Supplies, the Lord Rear Admiral is the commander of the Tirasian Auxiliary Fleets.
  • Lord Admiral General - The head of the Kul Tiras Marine Corps, the Lord General is typically also one of the highest ranking leaders in the Kul Tiras Army.
  • Lord Surgeon Admiral - The head of the Tirasian Surgeon's Board, the Lord Surgeon Admiral is in charge of the navy's medical corps.
  • Lord Mage Admiral - The leader of the Tirasian Corps of Sea Magi, the Lord Mage Admiral serves as the commander of Kul Tiras' elite Sea Magi or Hydromancers.
  • Lord Chaplain Admiral - The Chief of Chaplains, the Lord Chaplain Admiral serves as the leader of the Lord Admiral's Corps of Chaplains.
  • Lord Cannonmaster Admiral - In charge of naval ordnance, the Lord Cannonmaster Admiral is the head of the Lord Admiral's Corps of Ordnance.
  • Lord Sky Admiral - A new position, the Lord Sky Admiral is the commander of the Tirasian division of the Fleet Air Arm.
  • Lords Naval - A position almost unique to Tirasian peerage[1], the Lords Naval are members of the Kul Tiras House of Nobles who gain their peerage from a large port or their naval and merchant fleets. Unlike other positions there can be multiple Lords Naval on the Council, with typically at least one for each of the Kingdom's main fleets.

Kingdom of Gilneas - Lords Commissioner of the Navy[]


Originally created to serve as an alternative to the singular post of High Admiral of Gilneas, the Lords Commissioner, properly titled His Majesties Lords Commissioner of the Navy, like most Naval Lords, evolved to become an advisory board to the High Admiral and, unlike most other Kingdoms, do not typically command one of their nation's fleets. Most of the Lords Commissioner posts have been absent since the Gilnean Navy was dissolved after the creation of the Greymane Wall, with the following posts being the ones in existence at the time the navy was disbanded:

  • High Admiral - The head of the Board, the High Admiral of Gilneas serves as the Chief of the Gilnean Navy. In earlier times when the board replaced the High Admiral, their leader would instead be titled as the Lord Commissioner of the Navy.
  • Lord Deputy Commissioner - The second-in-command of the Navy and Chief of Naval Personnel, the Lord Deputy Commissioner served as the High Admiral or Lord Commissioner's right hand.
  • Lord Commissioner of the Auxiliary - The head of naval supplies, the Lord Victualler was also charged with seeing the the fleet's Auxiliary vessels. They are also known as the Lord Victualler.
  • Lord Commissioner of Marines - The head of the Royal Gilnean Marines, the Lord Captain General was also known as the Lord Commandant.
  • Lord Commissioner of Surgeons - The head of the Naval Alchemist's Board, the Lord Surgeon, like his peers in other nations, is in charge of naval medics. They are also known as the Lord Alchemist of the Navy.
  • Lord Commissioner of Sorcerers - The head of the Royal Naval Sorcerers, the Lord Sorcerer of the Navy is in charge of the magi attached to naval ships. They are also known as the Lord Lord Sorcerer of the Navy.
  • Lord Commissioner of Chaplains - The head of the Gilnean Chaplain's Board, the Lord Chaplain of the Navy is in charge of the navy's priesthood and is also known as the Lord Chaplain of the Navy.
  • Lord Commissioner of Cannoneers - The head of the Gilnean Ordnance Board, the Lord Commissioner of Cannoneers is in charge of both Naval and Army cannons and artillery.

Kingdom of Lordaeron - Lords of the High Sea[]


Kingdom of Stromgarde - Magistrates Naval[]



  1. The best equivalents in other Kingdoms would be the Doges of Stormwind and Vice Admirals of the Maritime Counties of Gilneas